
An open API service providing security vulnerability metadata for many open source software ecosystems.

Security Advisories: GSA_kwCzR0hTQS02MmcyLW05NTUtdjM4M84AAUm-

Improper Input Validation in Apache Spark

Spark's Apache Maven-based build includes a convenience script, 'build/mvn', that downloads and runs a zinc server to speed up compilation. It has been included in release branches since 1.3.x, up to and including master. This server will accept connections from external hosts by default. A specially-crafted request to the zinc server could cause it to reveal information in files readable to the developer account running the build. Note that this issue does not affect end users of Spark, only developers building Spark from source code.

Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Origin: Unspecified
Severity: High
Classification: General
Published: about 2 years ago
Updated: about 2 months ago

CVSS Score: 7.5
CVSS vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N

Identifiers: GHSA-62g2-m955-v383, CVE-2018-11804
References: Blast Radius: 1.0

Affected Packages

Affected Version Ranges: >= 1.3.0, <= 2.1.3
No known fixed version