
An open API service providing security vulnerability metadata for many open source software ecosystems.

Security Advisories: GSA_kwCzR0hTQS0zMnhwLW02dmctZ3dwas4AAlk-

Missing permission check in Jenkins Pipeline Maven Integration Plugin allows enumerating credentials IDs

Pipeline Maven Integration Plugin 3.8.2 and earlier does not perform a permission check in an HTTP endpoint.

This allows attackers with Overall/Read access to Jenkins to enumerate credentials IDs of credentials stored in Jenkins. Those can be used as part of an attack to capture the credentials using another vulnerability.

An enumeration of credentials IDs in Pipeline Maven Integration Plugin 3.8.3 requires the appropriate permissions.

Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Origin: Unspecified
Severity: Moderate
Classification: General
Published: about 2 years ago
Updated: 9 months ago

CVSS Score: 4.3
CVSS vector: CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N

Identifiers: GHSA-32xp-m6vg-gwpj, CVE-2020-2233
References: Blast Radius: 1.0

Affected Packages

Affected Version Ranges: < 3.8.3
Fixed in: 3.8.3