
An open API service providing security vulnerability metadata for many open source software ecosystems.

Security Advisories: MDE2OlNlY3VyaXR5QWR2aXNvcnlHSFNBLTZmanItbTd2Ni1mcGc5

jquey is malware

The jquey package is malware that attempts to discover and exfiltrate sensitive data such as a user's private SSH key and bash history, sending them to attacker controlled locations.

All versions have been unpublished from the npm registry.


If you have found jquey installed in your environment, you should:

  1. Delete the package
  2. Clear your npm cache
  3. Ensure it is not present in any other package.json files on your system
  4. Regenerate your SSH keys, registry credentials, tokens, and any other sensitive credentials that may have been present in your bash history.

Additionally, any service which may have been exposed via credentials in your bash history or accessible via your ssh keys, such as a database, should be reviewed for indicators of compromise as well.

Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Origin: Unspecified
Severity: Moderate
Classification: General
Published: over 5 years ago
Updated: 8 months ago

Identifiers: GHSA-6fjr-m7v6-fpg9, CVE-2017-16204
References: Blast Radius: 0.0

Affected Packages

Dependent packages: 3
Dependent repositories: 68
Downloads: 342 last month
Affected Version Ranges: = 1.0.1
No known fixed version
All affected versions: