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npm nuxt Security Advisories

Browse all Security Advisories for npm nuxt

Nuxt vulnerable to remote code execution via the browser when running the test locally
Ecosystems: npm
Packages: nuxt
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 42.7
Published: about 1 month ago
nuxt vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting in navigateTo if used after SSR
Ecosystems: npm
Packages: nuxt
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 30.6
Published: about 1 month ago
nuxt Code Injection vulnerability
Ecosystems: npm
Packages: nuxt
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 39.3
Published: over 1 year ago
Advisories: 20,018
Packages: 8,808
Repositories: 1
Ecosystems: 12
Filter by Package
parse-server 30 electron 26 directus 25 @openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable 21 @openzeppelin/contracts 20 next 16 sequelize 16 tinymce 16 ckeditor4 15 ghost 15 swagger-ui 14 strapi 13 undici 13 joplin 13 angular 13 vm2 12 handlebars 11 TinyMCE 11 tinymce/tinymce 11 marked 11 nodebb 11 nocodb 10 bootstrap 10 matrix-js-sdk 9 next-auth 9 flowise 9 serve 9 twbs/bootstrap 9 @evershop/evershop 9 bootstrap 9 org.webjars:bootstrap 9 bootstrap 9 node-forge 8 8 matrix-react-sdk 8 steal 8 url-parse 8 validator 8 tar 8 @strapi/strapi 8 systeminformation 8 express-cart 8 npm 8 urijs 8 jsrsasign 8 matrix-appservice-irc 8 jquery 8 jquery-rails 8 org.webjars.npm:jquery 8 snyk-broker 7 total.js 7 shescape 7 lunary 7 hapi 7 lodash 7 sanitize-html 7 jQuery 7 jquery-ui 7 hermes-engine 7 uptime-kuma 7 bootstrap-sass 7 bootstrap.sass 7 jQuery.UI.Combined 7 org.webjars.npm:jquery-ui 7 jquery-ui-rails 7 safe-eval 6 bootstrap-sass 6 aaptjs 6 parse-url 6 @strapi/plugin-users-permissions 6 rsshub 6 elliptic 5 yarn 5 mongoose 5 public 5 ejs 5 axios 5 keystone 5 lodash-es 5 xlsx 5 dojo 5 vite 5 ua-parser-js 5 sweetalert2 5 rendertron 5 mysql2 5 ws 5 total4 5 vditor 5 openpgp 5 prismjs 5 fastify 4 convert-svg-core 4 apollo-server-core 4 fast-xml-parser 4 4 aws-iot-device-sdk-v2 4 auth0-lock 4 glance 4 generator-jhipster 4 awsiotsdk 4 hummus 4 muhammara 4 materialize-css 4 mermaid 4 moment 4 valine 4 auth0-js 4 vega 4 @keystone-6/core 4 ecstatic 4 @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend 4 katex 4 jsonwebtoken 4 meshcentral 4 dompurify 4 qs 4 apostrophe 4 simple-git 4 safer-eval 4 mongo-express 4 realms-shim 4 4 follow-redirects 4 remarkable 4 simple-markdown 4 braces 3 tough-cookie 3 @vrite/sdk 3 nodemailer 3 @ckeditor/ckeditor5-markdown-gfm 3 json-ptr 3 @backstage/techdocs-common 3 @strapi/utils 3 keycloak-connect 3 xmldom 3 3 @sveltejs/kit 3 ag-grid-community 3 grunt 3 slpjs 3 3 buttle 3 browserify-shim 3 @jmondi/url-to-png 3 postcss 3 dset 3 @janhq/core 3 mixme 3 jose 3 localhost-now 3 highcharts 3 django-tinymce 3 3 node-opcua 3 serialize-to-js 3 connect 3 mysql 3 froala-editor 3 object-path 3 loader-utils 3 js-yaml 3 jose-node-esm-runtime 3 dns-sync 3 parsel 3 feathers-sequelize 3 jspdf 3 org.webjars.npm:xlsx 3 @uppy/companion 3 jointjs 3 node-fetch 3 n8n 3 codecov 3 convict 3 locutus 3 node-red-dashboard 3 passport-wsfed-saml2 3 @sequelize/core 3 bson 3 libxmljs 3 express 3 immer 3 json-pointer 3 @apollo/server 3 xdLocalStorage 3 stimulsoft-dashboards-js 3 statics-server 3 llhttp 3 fuxa-server 3 mxgraph 3 lodash.defaultsdeep 3 @lobehub/chat 3 blamer 3 ids-enterprise 3 @materializecss/materialize 3 renovate 3 ftp-srv 3 @frangoteam/fuxa 3 yapi-vendor 3 raneto 3