
An open API service providing security vulnerability metadata for many open source software ecosystems.

packagist contao/core-bundle Security Advisories

Contao: Unencoded insert tags in the frontend
Ecosystems: packagist
Packages: contao/core-bundle
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 10.2
Published: 4 months ago
Contao: Cross site scripting in the file manager
Ecosystems: packagist
Packages: contao/core-bundle
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 17.7
Published: 4 months ago
Contao: Remember-me tokens will not be cleared after a password change
Ecosystems: packagist
Packages: contao/core-bundle
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 19.4
Published: 4 months ago
Contao: Possible cookie sharing with external domains while checking protected pages for broken links
Ecosystems: packagist
Packages: contao/core-bundle
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 27.6
Published: 4 months ago
Cross site scripting via input unit widget
Ecosystems: packagist
Packages: contao/core-bundle
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 21.7
Published: about 1 year ago
Contao SQL injection in the file manager
Ecosystems: packagist
Packages: contao/core-bundle, contao/contao
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 32.2
Published: about 2 years ago
Contao SQL injection in the backend and listing module
Ecosystems: packagist
Packages: contao/listing-bundle, contao/core-bundle, contao/contao
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 32.2
Published: about 2 years ago
Cross site scripting via canonical tag in Contao
Ecosystems: packagist
Packages: contao/contao, contao/core-bundle
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 23.7
Published: about 2 years ago
Contao CSRF Token Bypass
Ecosystems: packagist
Packages: contao/core-bundle, contao/contao
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 28.9
Published: about 2 years ago
Contao Does Not Invalidate Existing Sessions When Password Changes
Ecosystems: packagist
Packages: contao/core, contao/core-bundle, contao/contao
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 32.2
Published: about 2 years ago
Contao Core directory traversal vulnerability
Ecosystems: packagist
Packages: contao/core, contao/core-bundle, contao/contao
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 28.9
Published: about 2 years ago
Contao Does Not Expire Tokens Correctly
Ecosystems: packagist
Packages: contao/core-bundle, contao/contao
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 32.2
Published: about 2 years ago
Cross-site Scripting in Contao
Ecosystems: packagist
Packages: contao/core-bundle, contao/core, contao/contao
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 20.0
Published: over 2 years ago
Cross site scripting via HTML attributes in the back end
Ecosystems: packagist
Packages: contao/core-bundle, contao/contao
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 19.4
Published: almost 3 years ago
Privilege escalation via form generator
Ecosystems: packagist
Packages: contao/contao, contao/core-bundle
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 26.6
Published: almost 3 years ago
PHP file inclusion via insert tags
Ecosystems: packagist
Packages: contao/contao, contao/core-bundle
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 22.0
Published: almost 3 years ago
Cross site scripting in the system log
Ecosystems: packagist
Packages: contao/contao, contao/core-bundle
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 20.0
Published: about 3 years ago
Contao Insert tag injection in forms
Ecosystems: packagist
Packages: contao/core-bundle, contao/contao
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 17.4
Published: almost 4 years ago
Insert tag injection in the Contao login module
Ecosystems: packagist
Packages: contao/contao, contao/core-bundle
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 17.4
Published: over 4 years ago
Information disclosure in the Contao backend
Ecosystems: packagist
Packages: contao/contao, contao/core-bundle
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 17.4
Published: over 4 years ago
Unrestricted file uploads in Contao
Ecosystems: packagist
Packages: contao/contao, contao/core-bundle
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 28.9
Published: over 4 years ago
Advisories: 19,584
Packages: 8,642
Repositories: 2
Ecosystems: 12
Filter by Package
moodle/moodle 342 magento/community-edition 204 typo3/cms 174 pimcore/pimcore 117 dolibarr/dolibarr 112 typo3/cms-core 106 phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin 92 microweber/microweber 91 drupal/core 91 silverstripe/framework 85 drupal/drupal 76 thorsten/phpmyfaq 70 symfony/symfony 64 librenms/librenms 54 concrete5/concrete5 52 shopware/platform 48 baserproject/basercms 43 craftcms/cms 42 showdoc/showdoc 40 intelliants/subrion 39 froxlor/froxlor 37 nilsteampassnet/teampass 37 shopware/core 36 zendframework/zendframework1 34 snipe/snipe-it 33 shopware/shopware 30 mautic/core 30 getgrav/grav 29 centreon/centreon 27 prestashop/prestashop 26 magento/core 24 mediawiki/core 24 zendframework/zendframework 23 grumpydictator/firefly-iii 23 pocketmine/pocketmine-mp 23 remdex/livehelperchat 23 simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp 23 getkirby/cms 22 contao/core-bundle 21 tribalsystems/zenario 20 laravel/framework 19 cockpit-hq/cockpit 18 forkcms/forkcms 18 contao/contao 18 symfony/security 17 ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel 17 genix/cms 17 cakephp/cakephp 17 francoisjacquet/rosariosis 17 opencart/opencart 17 topthink/framework 17 yetiforce/yetiforce-crm 16 october/system 15 smarty/smarty 15 ec-cube/ec-cube 15 openmage/magento-lts 15 symfony/security-http 14 phpmailer/phpmailer 14 typo3/cms-backend 14 silverstripe/cms 14 codeigniter4/framework 13 elefant/cms 13 bolt/bolt 13 lavalite/cms 13 impresscms/impresscms 13 dompdf/dompdf 12 phpbb/phpbb 12 sylius/sylius 12 studio-42/elfinder 12 phpmyfaq/phpmyfaq 12 tinymce 11 wwbn/avideo 11 TinyMCE 11 tinymce/tinymce 11 feehi/feehicms 11 ezsystems/ezplatform-kernel 11 pimcore/admin-ui-classic-bundle 11 symfony/http-foundation 11 feehi/cms 11 admidio/admidio 10 ezsystems/ezpublish-legacy 10 wallabag/wallabag 10 yiisoft/yii2 10 nukeviet/nukeviet 10 pagekit/pagekit 10 ssddanbrown/bookstack 10 funadmin/funadmin 9 concrete5/core 9 october/october 9 alextselegidis/easyappointments 9 contao/core 9 kevinpapst/kimai2 9 croogo/croogo 8 codiad/codiad 8 gilacms/gila 8 october/cms 8 silverstripe/admin 8 pimcore/customer-management-framework-bundle 8 composer/composer 8 sulu/sulu 8 statamic/cms 8 facturascripts/facturascripts 8 silverstripe/graphql 8 passbolt/passbolt_api 7 ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui 7 wpglobus/wpglobus 7 pterodactyl/panel 7 symfony/http-kernel 7 mantisbt/mantisbt 7 backdrop/backdrop 7 october/backend 7 flarum/core 7 yourls/yourls 6 vrana/adminer 6 phpseclib/phpseclib 6 guzzlehttp/guzzle 6 automad/automad 6 dweeves/magmi 6 gleez/cms 6 zoujingli/thinkadmin 6 bagisto/bagisto 6 in2code/femanager 6 directmailteam/direct-mail 6 yiisoft/yii2-dev 6 nystudio107/craft-seomatic 6 oro/platform 6 elgg/elgg 5 typo3/cms-install 5 symfony/security-core 5 cachethq/cachet 5 bottelet/flarepoint 5 simplesamlphp/saml2 5 neos/flow 5 thinkcmf/thinkcmf 5 silverstripe/assets 5 phpservermon/phpservermon 5 twig/twig 5 billz/raspap-webgui 5 phpxmlrpc/phpxmlrpc 5 pear/archive_tar 5 woocommerce/woocommerce 5 neos/neos 5 anchorcms/anchor-cms 5 gugoan/economizzer 5 typo3/flow 5 illuminate/database 5 codeigniter/framework 5 ibexa/core 5 appwrite/server-ce 4 kimai/kimai 4 sylius/resource-bundle 4 modx/revolution 4 notrinos/notrinos-erp 4 pyrocms/pyrocms 4 shopxo/shopxo 4 idno/known 4 wintercms/winter 4 symfony/security-bundle 4 evolutioncms/evolution 4 friendsofsymfony/user-bundle 4 adodb/adodb-php 4 bytefury/crater 4 typo3/html-sanitizer 4 spatie/browsershot 4 ezsystems/ezplatform 4 codeigniter4/shield 4 zendframework/zendopenid 4 wp-premium/gravityforms 4 bref/bref 4 magento/product-community-edition 4 typo3/cms-frontend 4 oro/commerce 4 processwire/processwire 4 shopware/storefront 4 limesurvey/limesurvey 3 symfony/form 3 amphp/http-client 3 qcubed/qcubed 3 joomla/framework 3 zendframework/zend-diactoros 3 apache-solr-for-typo3/solr 3 flarum/framework 3 froala/wysiwyg-editor 3 zendframework/zend-http 3 ckeditor4 3 facade/ignition 3 prestashop/productcomments 3 yiisoft/yii 3 doctrine/orm 3 typo3/cms-form 3 phenx/php-svg-lib 3 rudloff/alltube 3 enhavo/enhavo-app 3 zencart/zencart 3 privatebin/privatebin 3 icecoder/icecoder 3 pixelfed/pixelfed 3 reportico-web/reportico 3 verbb/comments 3 phpoffice/phpspreadsheet 3