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pypi GitPython Security Advisories

Untrusted search path under some conditions on Windows allows arbitrary code execution
Ecosystems: pypi
Packages: GitPython
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 34.7
Published: 3 months ago
Blind local file inclusion
Ecosystems: pypi
Packages: GitPython
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 17.8
Published: 8 months ago
GitPython vulnerable to remote code execution due to insufficient sanitization of input arguments
Ecosystems: pypi
Packages: GitPython
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 43.5
Published: 8 months ago
GitPython vulnerable to Remote Code Execution due to improper user input validation
Ecosystems: pypi
Packages: GitPython
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 36.0
Published: over 1 year ago
Advisories: 17,470
Packages: 8,115
Repositories: 1
Ecosystems: 12
Filter by Package
tensorflow 432 tensorflow-cpu 387 tensorflow-gpu 384 django 79 apache-airflow 78 ansible 57 apache-superset 48 rdiffweb 42 Pillow 41 plone 38 Plone 36 matrix-synapse 34 vyper 32 opencv-python 30 opencv-contrib-python 30 mlflow 30 Django 21 langchain 18 PaddlePaddle 17 cobbler 17 paddlepaddle 15 notebook 15 cryptography 15 gradio 14 pillow 14 modoboa 14 pyftpdlib 13 pyload-ng 13 nova 13 OctoPrint 12 neutron 12 vantage6 12 keystone 12 onionshare-cli 11 twisted 11 urllib3 11 calibreweb 11 glance 11 salt 10 Flask-AppBuilder 10 aiohttp 10 wagtail 9 waitress 9 kiwitcms 9 Zope 9 ethyca-fides 9 opencv-contrib-python-headless 9 opencv-python-headless 9 zope 9 label-studio 8 numpy 8 aubio 8 moin 8 matrix-sydent 7 jupyter-server 7 scrapy 7 lief 7 python-keystoneclient 7 pysaml2 7 pip 7 swift 7 nautobot 7 pgadmin4 6 ipython 6 tuf 6 Zope2 6 web2py 6 lxml 6 graphite-web 6 apache-airflow-providers-apache-hive 6 mailman 6 sentry 6 mindsdb 6 inventree 6 bleach 5 pyspark 5 roundup 5 paramiko 5 saleor 5 whoogle-search 5 requests 5 python-gnupg 5 feedparser 5 Products.CMFPlone 5 horizon 5 ckan 5 trytond 4 nvflare 4 esphome 4 Jinja2 4 Pygments 4 grpc 4 starlette 4 nltk 4 omero-web 4 qutebrowser 4 datasette 4 reportlab 4 bottle 4 werkzeug 4 ansible-core 4 keylime 4 FreeTAKServer-UI 4 transformers 4 httpie 4 oauthenticator 4 awsiotsdk 4 aws-iot-device-sdk-v2 4 4 PyPDF2 4 GitPython 4 pretix 4 grpcio 4 yt-dlp 4 jupyterhub 4 buildbot 4 Flask-Security-Too 4 markdown2 4 mayan-edms 3 pandasai 3 mistune 3 gerapy 3 protobuf 3 Products.PluggableAuthService 3 keyring 3 ecdsa 3 ansible-runner 3 pywasm3 3 fava 3 bitlyshortener 3 barbican 3 openvpn-monitor 3 wger 3 rsa 3 indico 3 apache-iotdb 3 aim 3 indy-node 3 cinder 3 asyncua 3 flask 3 Keystone 3 quokka 3 pyarrow 3 ryu 3 streamlit 3 asyncssh 3 jwcrypto 3 mitmproxy 3 ray 3 tripleo-heat-templates 3 3 3 3 plone.supermodel 3 copyparty 3 Werkzeug 3 onnx 3 tornado 3 sqlparse 3 zenml 3 torchserve 3 slixmpp 3 apache-airflow-providers-apache-spark 3 pyyaml 3 clearml 3 docassemble.webapp 3 apache-libcloud 3 Weblate 3 localstack 3 ujson 3 sickrage 3 django-helpdesk 3 jupyterlab 3 poetry 3 io.grpc:grpc-protobuf 3 apache-airflow-providers-apache-sqoop 2 aws-encryption-sdk 2 uvicorn 2 binwalk 2 keycloak-httpd-client-install 2 pyxdg 2 redis 2 Mezzanine 2 in-toto 2 pymatgen 2 zope2 2 aiohttp-session 2 homeassistant 2 plone.restapi 2 mercurial 2 wasm3 2 oauth2 2 sap-xssec 2 tripleo-ansible 2 langchain-experimental 2 org.apache.spark:spark-core 2 snowflake-connector-python 2 tlslite-ng 2 ctx 2