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rubygems gtk2 Security Advisories

Browse all Security Advisories for rubygems gtk2

gtk2 vulnerable to Use of Externally-Controlled Format String
Ecosystems: rubygems
Packages: gtk2
Source: GitHub Advisory Database
Blast Radius: 0.0
Published: almost 7 years ago
Advisories: 20,364
Packages: 8,936
Repositories: 1
Ecosystems: 12
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actionpack 60 nokogiri 43 rubygems-update 25 rack 23 puppet 23 activerecord 21 camaleon_cms 14 activesupport 14 publify_core 14 passenger 13 actionview 12 puma 12 rails 11 decidim 11 fat_free_crm 10 rails-html-sanitizer 9 jquery-rails 9 bootstrap 9 twbs/bootstrap 9 org.webjars:bootstrap 9 bootstrap 9 bootstrap 9 org.webjars.npm:jquery 8 jquery 8 bootstrap-sass 8 jQuery 7 jQuery.UI.Combined 7 org.jruby:jruby-stdlib 7 org.webjars.npm:jquery-ui 7 jquery-ui-rails 7 bootstrap.sass 7 jquery-ui 7 loofah 6 doorkeeper 6 ember-source 6 rexml 6 katello 6 spree 5 grpc 5 grpcio 5 sidekiq 5 commonmarker 5 spree_auth_devise 5 bootstrap-sass 5 bundler 5 webrick 5 avo 4 rails_admin 4 devise 4 mail 4 sanitize 4 dragonfly 4 activestorage 4 ruby-saml 4 sinatra 4 carrierwave 4 fluentd 4 geminabox 3 cgi 3 private_address_check 3 decidim-admin 3 rack-cors 3 resque 3 openc3 3 omniauth 3 io.grpc:grpc-protobuf 3 rdoc 3 git 3 phlex 3 devise-two-factor 3 actiontext 3 json-jwt 3 rubyzip 3 yard 3 chartkick 3 rest-client 3 openssl 3 spina 3 activeadmin 3 gollum 3 google-protobuf 3 3 decidim-core 3 3 field_test 2 VladTheEnterprising 2 decidim-templates 2 twitter-bootstrap-rails 2 pdfkit 2 bson 2 mapbox.js 2 httparty 2 git-fastclone 2 mapbox-rails 2 ox 2 administrate 2 ruby-openid 2 logstash-core 2 echor 2 sidekiq-unique-jobs 2 sprockets 2 2 2 qiita-markdown 2 pageflow 2 omniauth-saml 2 view_component 2 yajl-ruby 2 pyarrow 2 safemode 2 mechanize 2 red-arrow 2 json 2 @openc3/tool-common 2 kramdown 2 radiant 2 kaminari 2 org.webjars.npm:bootstrap 2 user_agent_parser 2 mini_magick 2 secure_headers 2 pghero 2 net-ldap 2 paperclip 2 cocoapods-downloader 2 redcarpet 2 openc3 2 solidus_frontend 2 uri 2 i18n 2 omniauth-facebook 2 actionmailer 2 facter 2 solidus_core 2 sup 2 faye 2 solidus_auth_devise 1 alchemy_cms 1 wicked 1 restforce 1 sqlite3-ruby 1 redis-store 1 matestack-ui-core 1 svg_optimizer 1 espeak-ruby 1 fastreader 1 http 1 pgsync 1 nori 1 thin 1 jquery-ujs 1 kelredd-pruview 1 bio-basespace-sdk 1 rack-ssl 1 pubnub 1 pubnub 1 pubnub/pubnub 1 pubnub 1 pubnub 1 1 slanger 1 paranoid2 1 inline_svg 1 pdf_info 1 rswag 1 rexical 1 airbrake-ruby 1 excon 1 resque-scheduler 1 sorcery 1 blazer 1 actionpack-page_caching 1 festivaltts4r 1 web-console 1 tmpdir 1 tzinfo 1 activemodel 1 gibbon 1 will_paginate 1 multi_xml 1 request_store 1 geokit-rails 1 gitlab-grit 1 foreman_ansible 1 railties 1 fugit 1 websocket-extensions 1 padrino-contrib 1 bolt 1 hub 1 omniauth-microsoft_graph 1 lynx 1 1 solidus_backend 1 rmagick 1 kafo 1 hammer_cli_foreman 1 jruby-openssl 1 redcloth 1 brbackup 1
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